Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm so sick of labels and stereotypes. Just because someone likes school doesn't mean they're a nerd. Just because someone wears black doesn't mean they're goth. Just because someone acts different doesn't mean they're a freak. All of these labels have been applied to me at one point or another, but I'm so much more than that. (Warning pissed off Nikki. See, national piss off Skyres month is over so now we enter the world of normal life. PS. it will only get worst from here and no I haven't read anything other then the first paragraph.)

If you look past the labels you'll see the real me. I love learning interesting things. I love reading books, Shakespeare, poetry, etc. I wear black, but I wear other colours too. I enjoy life as much as possible, and I'm not afraid to act crazy. I love to express myself through art, or music, or writing, or anything creative. Sometimes I'm unsure of myself and I question my decisions. Sometimes I mess up, and sometimes I do things right. You can label me all you want, but you can't change who I am. (Oh is this a speech for individuality now? Wow I should really stop you from writing such deep posts, everyone will be getting the wrong idea about this blog. Oh well I am with you. I am sick of people judging me for how I look or how I act. You just keep going girl.)

I'm not saying I'm not guilty of labeling people. It's human nature to judge others. If you look closely though, you'll realize that the guy that acts like he doesn't care actually cares more than anyone else. You'll see that the perfect popular girl envies the one who can just be herself and have fun. You'll understand why that girl wears black clothes and makeup. You'll see people the way they really are. (That's why I go by my rule, judge all you want at first then forget about everything you just judged about that person and then get to know them with an open mind. I am sure that's how I met you... Oh well.)

Nikki the alien's on the phone and girl he isn't selling insurance! (ehh from a book)

Bye everyone have a good day eh! (Sorry had to put that in. Me and my friends were talking about things that make you Canadian eh!)

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